Ingredient Archives: Honeysuckle (TPA/TFA)

Mango Blossom Macaron

by ID10-T

Rating: 4.9/5. From 1 vote.
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Source: All The Flavors
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 8 days
2 %
Almond (FA)
1 %
Cream (Flavorah)
1 %
Honeysuckle (TPA/TFA)
1.5 %
Mango (Flavorah)
2 %
Meringue (FA)
2 %
Sugar Cookie (Capella)


by ID10-T

Rating: 4.7/5. From 1 vote.
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Source: All The Flavors
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 1 days
1 %
Cream (Flavorah)
1 %
Cream Fresh (FA)
3 %
Honeysuckle (TPA/TFA)
1 %
Shisha Vanilla (Inawera)
1.5 %
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA/TFA)

Sakura Sweets

by Kopel

Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 5 days
4 %
Cherry Blossom (PG) (TPA/TFA)
1.5 %
Hibiscus (Capella)
4 %
Honeysuckle (TPA/TFA)
1 %
Raspberry (Inawera)
2 %
Sweet Lychee (Capella)

Placid clone v7

by onmywaydownnow

Rating: 4.9/5. From 1 vote.
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Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days
4 %
Honeysuckle (TPA/TFA)
0.5 %
Key Lime (TPA/TFA)
0.5 %
Lime Cold Pressed (FA)
2.5 %
Pear (TPA/TFA)
4 %
Strawberry (TPA/TFA)
0.5 %
Sweetener (TPA/TFA)