Ingredient Archives: Butter (LorAnn)
Tres Leche de Phenom aka. the Milk of Khans
by freshepies
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: hard
Steeping time 3 days
Difficulty: hard
Steeping time 3 days
- 0.5 %
- Blackcurrant (FA)
- 1 %
- Butter (LorAnn)
- 1 %
- Butterscotch (FW)
- 0.5 %
- Cake Batter (Capella)
- 1 %
- Cream (Milky Undertone) (PG) (OOO)
- 1 %
- Dulce de Leche (TPA/TFA)
- 2 %
- Strawberry (Red Touch) (FA)
- 2 %
- Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA/TFA)
- 0.5 %
- Sweet Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 1 %
- Vanilla Bean Gelato (TPA/TFA)
- 4 %
- Whipped Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 2 %
- Yellow Cake (FW)