Ingredient Archives: Banana Cream (TPA/TFA)
Lenola Cream Remix
by dazcole
Source: All The Flavors
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 10 days
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 10 days
Vanilla Wafer Banana Pudding
by Vurve
Source: All The Flavors
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 0 days
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 0 days
- 4.5 %
- Banana Cream (LorAnn)
- 1.5 %
- Banana Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 0.25 %
- Meringue (FA)
- 0.5 %
- Sugar Cookie (Capella)
- 0.75 %
- Vanilla Swirl (TPA/TFA)
Banana Milk
by Aquaneo
Source: All The Flavors
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 6 days
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 6 days
Boss Reserve Clone #Remixmonth
by folkart
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days
Ripe Vapes Monkey Snack [clone]
by Andy.T
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days
Boardwalk by [ ENYAWREKLAW ]
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 1 days
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 1 days
Banana tart
by Tzimisce
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: hard
Steeping time 27 days
Difficulty: hard
Steeping time 27 days
- 0.3 %
- Acetyl Pyrazine 5% PG (TPA/TFA)
- 3 %
- Banana Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 1 %
- Bananas Foster (TPA/TFA)
- 2 %
- Bavarian Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 1 %
- Biscuit (Inawera)
- 0.8 %
- Butter Cream (Capella)
- 2.5 %
- Cookie (FA)
- 1.5 %
- Graham Cracker Clear (TPA/TFA)
- 1 %
- New York Cheesecake (Capella)
- 1.5 %
- Sweet Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 3 %
- Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA/TFA)
- 0.5 %
- Vanilla Custard (TPA/TFA)
by Tzimisce
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 20 days
Difficulty: moderate
Steeping time 20 days
Neptunes Nectar clone
by Djvapes
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 0 days
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 0 days
Creamy Bananas
by crimsonk24
Source: (ELR)
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days
Difficulty: easy
Steeping time 7 days